About Me


I'm Oby,

Bobby Rahman Hakim

Backend Developer | Frontend Developer | Lead Programmer | WordPress Expert | Freelance


I'm Oby,

Bobby Rahman Hakim

Backend Developer | Frontend Developer | Lead Programmer | WordPress Expert | Freelance

Hello there! Welcome to my portfolio site. I’m Bobby Rahman Hakim, but you can just call me Oby.
I specialize in application and website development. One thing you should know about me is that learning is my passion.

Life is a fascinating journey, and I find joy in exploring its intricacies. Staying updated with the latest trends in IT, especially programming, is something I truly enjoy. Besides tech, I dedicate time to personal development, delving into subjects like personality management and business strategies.

Life, to me, is a precious gift, and I’ve been fortunate to learn from experts as well as valuable resources like articles and videos. Gratitude fills me for the support of friends who’ve been there every step of the way. I believe in embracing mistakes as learning opportunities because smart people use them to improve. Cheers to our shared success!

CACOPAKODE is on social media

Together anything is Possible.

This channel is still in the development stage. InshaAllah, I remain enthusiastic about sharing knowledge through various means, including videos.

CACOPAKODE [ Cari Coba Pake Kode ]

What we do


FE / BE Developer

Backend Developer: I am more focused on handling user requests or needs related to website features from the admin page. I use technologies as needed, such as MYSQL, PHP, JAVA, POSTGRESQL, RABBITMQ, REDIS, and create RESTful API.
Frontend Developer: I work based on designs provided by the relevant team, implementing and adapting between design and the necessary technology to achieve the desired targets.

Lead Programmer

Lead Programmer: In my role, I am tasked with overseeing key aspects of the project, offering guidance to the team for successful task completion, finding creative solutions to address specific challenges, and regularly updating management on progress. I am committed to ensuring efficient project execution, fostering a collaborative work atmosphere, and driving innovation for optimal outcomes.

WordPress Expert

As a WordPress expert, my track record includes crafting multiple websites. My willingness to develop custom plugins ensures swift and optimal outcomes, providing tailored solutions for specific needs, guaranteeing efficiency and client satisfaction.


I work as a freelancer when not bound by a contract with a company, but it becomes my choice when there is no ongoing contract with a company.